Dr. John Eibner, the CEO of Christian Solidarity International (CSI-USA) has a new op-ed piece in The Tablet:
“Four years ago this month, President Barack Obama made a fateful decision. He announced that ‘the time has come for President Assad to step aside … for the sake of the Syrian people.’ This signal for regime change triggered a set of measures, both overt and covert, involving a network of US-led alliances. According to Vice President Joe Biden, massive amounts of weapons and funds were transferred from America’s Sunni regional allies – Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar – to al-Qaida and other jihadists.
“As it did Iraq, Libya and Yemen, America’s regime change policy has created conditions in Syria for humanitarian catastrophe, including genocide. Much of the country has now been cleansed of Christians and other non-Sunni religious minorities. Most of the displaced Christians I encounter in my travels to the region are impoverished, traumatised and fearful of the future.”